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How to Relieve Neck Pain with a Chiropractor

Chronic neck pain can significantly disrupt your daily life. While there are various causes, a chiropractor can offer effective, non-invasive solutions. At Elite Family Chiropractic, we can help you find relief from neck pain.

Understanding the Causes of Neck Pain

Several factors can contribute to neck pain, including:

  • Poor Posture: Slouching or hunching for extended periods strains neck muscles, leading to pain. Frequently using electronic devices with a forward-tilted head is a common culprit of poor posture.
  • Injury: Whiplash from car accidents, blows to the head, or even sleeping in an awkward position can cause neck trauma and pain.
  • Spinal Misalignment: Misalignments in the vertebrae of the neck can put pressure on nerves, resulting in discomfort.
  • Degenerative Disc Disease: As we age, the discs between the vertebrae deteriorate, causing pain.

How a Chiropractor Can Help

Chiropractors utilize a variety of non-invasive techniques to manage neck pain by realigning the spine and reducing pressure on nerves. Here's a closer look at some common treatment methods:

  • Spinal Manipulation: During a spinal manipulation session, the chiropractor uses precise movements to realign neck joints and restore mobility. You may hear a popping sound during these adjustments, which is a normal occurrence.
  • Massage Therapy: Massage loosens tight muscles that contribute to pain.
  • Heat/Ice Therapy: Applying heat and ice packs alternately helps reduce inflammation.
  • Traction: Gentle pulling on the neck through traction techniques can relieve pain caused by pinched nerves.
  • Electrical Stimulation: Mild electrical currents may be used to reduce pain signals in the neck.

In addition to these treatments, your chiropractor may recommend specific stretches and exercises to strengthen your neck muscles and improve your posture.

When to See a Chiropractor for Neck Pain

Seeking chiropractic care early can help prevent neck pain from becoming a chronic issue. Here are some signs that you might benefit from chiropractic treatment:

  • Sharp, stabbing neck pain
  • Stiffness and limited range of motion in the neck
  • Headaches originating in the neck
  • Pain or tingling that radiates down your arms
  • Clicking or popping sounds in the neck

Finding Relief from Neck Pain

Don't live with neck pain any longer. Our chiropractor near you at Elite Family Chiropractic offers gentle and effective treatments to realign the neck and upper back, promoting pain relief and improved posture. Serving the communities of West Pearland, East Pearland, and Katy, TX, we are dedicated to helping patients find lasting relief from neck pain. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and take the first step towards a pain-free future.


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2:30 pm - 6:15 pm


8:00 am - 10:00 am

2:30 pm - 6:15 pm


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8:00 am - 10:00 am 2:30 pm - 6:15 pm
2:30 pm - 6:15 pm
8:00 am - 10:00 am 2:30 pm - 6:15 pm
8:00 am - 10:00 am 2:30 pm - 6:15 pm
By Appointment Only
By Appointment Only